I thought I’d pen down (frantically type) day by day, my first week going it alone in the big wide world and becoming freelance. Making this decision was one of the hardest things I've done (and I hate making decisions at the best of times) but ultimately I said to myself what's the worst that can happen? If it doesn't work out and i'll just get another job, after all we only regret the things we didn't do right?!
Dear diary... Day 1 - Tuesday 2nd January 2018 So unbelievably tired this morning from our late arrival back from Amsterdam last night, and I guess just the general running around like a mental person over the past week or so taking it’s toll, so I allowed myself a little lie in (great strict start with myself I know...). I’m so not a morning person at the best of times and could stay in bed all day, everyday, so this is gonna be a big challenge for me - the getting up and getting dressed in real clothes with technically no where to go... do I put make up on? Working from home is a funny one, Elliott left this morning like 'oh lucky you' as if I had the day at my leisure but I’m still working, whatever the surroundings may be. In the past when I’ve worked from home for the odd day here and there I’ve always felt like, if anything, I’ve worked harder. I’m really looking forward to the freedom of freelance and working from wherever but I also think I’m gonna miss going into an office everyday. I like talking. Maybe I’ll just talk to you guys on Insta stories more?! Full of strange feelings this morning and not really knowing what to do with myself. By the afternoon thought I had started some work on my Stories job and had a really great call that made me happy, excited and positive that I’ve done the right thing. (I hope) lol Spent the evening oooo-ing and ahhh-ing over my bezzie’s new engagement ring and sale shopping in Selfridges because I haven’t shopped in at least three days and I’m starting to feel a bit funny... Day one of freelance life - done! -----
Day 2 - Wednesday 3rd January I didn’t even stir when Elliott left this morning and woke about 9.15, slightly annoyed with myself. I mean, probs should have set an alarm like... anyway I swiftly propped myself up in bed and opened my laptop ready to crack on with some work. After a morning of working from bed and drinking lots of coffee, each with a side of Christmas chocolate selection, I dragged myself up and into the shower, got dressed and headed to the post Office Depot. to collect some blogger mail (which was a lovely white shirt by System Of Motion which you've probably seen on my Instagram by now). I sat myself down for an afternoon of working from desk with my Cat-who-thinks-he’s-a-dog snuggled on my lap. A delivery man called late afternoon with a dead exciting package from a brand called Fonott bags with the cutest basket bag inside. We all know how much I bloody love a basket. I also love being home to collect parcels and not have to mission to the post depot. too! Visiting pals this evening and having an early night before heading into hospital at an unearthly hour (7am, I mean, not really that unearthly but as I said, i'm not a morning person) to get a wisdom tooth yanked out. Buzzing about that. Also have to factor in time you're not being paid for to go to hospital, dentist, doctor appointments now... -----
Day 3 - Thursday 4th January Was supposed to wake up early and be at the hosp for 7am... I slept in.. obvs.
I made it there just after 9 and thought they would lol in my face but to my surprise all was fine and the wisdom tooth removal went ahead. It was an unpleasant experience to say the least, let’s just leave it at that. On advice from the hospital I was to drink zero hot drinks for the next 24hrs, well, that’s one way to curb your coffee habit... Spent the afternoon/evening doing some work, picking up my snazzy new PJ’s I’d ordered online from Matalan (thanks to Charlotte AKA Betty being a number one enabler) and a sausage roll from Greggs because why the fuck not, and having a nice early bubble bath with a lush bath bomb I got for Christmas. Still feeling a bit strange, a bit what am I doing, a bit can I really have a bath at five in the afternoon... ----- Day 4 - Friday 5th January Got up and left with Ell this morning so that he could take a quick outfit snap for me - actually feel like I’m getting less snaps if anything now I’m freelance since I haven’t been getting ready properly or leaving the house with him on a morning! I guess it’s only the first week though so I’ll get into a routine I’m sure (I hope). Spent the morning working at my desk before meeting my pal (and fellow blogger) Fran to do a shoot. It’s v. cold and v. windy today though so let’s see how that turns out....
Shoot was a success but I cannot wait until it warms up a little I must say, even though I prefer Winter dressing i'm sick of having frozen claw hands and looking bald when a gust of wind ferociously blows my hair back...
Friday eve was spent round my old house with my good pals and a few bottles of prosecco. First week down - I survived and you know what, I'm feeling really excited for whats to come.
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